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At premier timbers the customer gets top quality wood at attractive rates because:

Direct Import/Export & Bulk Stock

Premier timbers has been the direct importer and exporter of all kind of woods since 1970. We always maintain bulk stock which contains local wood as well as imported woods for both home and industrial purposes. We can assure the lowest possible price for all variety of woods because of the direct purchasing. We ensure top quality products by using state of the art machinery and employing highly trained and talented professionals.

Wood Seasoning & Treating

We provide guaranteed seasoning. Wood Seasoning is the process of removal of moisture from Timber. This can also be termed as the drying process of timber. Fresh timber has a very high quantity of moisture and hence is not useful for use in construction or for manufacture of furniture. In the seasoning process the moisture content of the wood is brought down in the range of 8-15% based on the end application. From wood seasoning customer gets the following advantages.

  • No risk of fungal decay
  • Reduced Weight
  • Improved gluing
  • Easiness in preservative treatment
  • Improved Strength
  • Increase in Nail and Screw holding capacity
  • Wood exhibits better electrical and thermal insulation properties.

There two are main reasons for drying wood:
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Woodworking- When wood is used as a construction material, whether as a structural support in a building or woodworking objects, it will absorb or desorb moisture until it is in equilibrium with its surroundings. The equilibration process (usually drying) causes unequal shrinkage in the wood, and can cause damage to the wood if the equilibration process occurs too rapidly. The process of equilibration needs to be controlled in order to prevent damage to the wood.

Wood burning - When wood is burned, it is usually best to dry it first. Damage from shrinkage is not a problem here, and the drying may proceed more rapidly than in the case of drying for woodworking purposes. Moisture affects the burning process, with unburned hydrocarbons going up the chimney. If a 50% wet log is burnt at high temperature, with good heat extraction from the exhaust gas leading to a 100°C exhaust temperature, about 5% of the energy of the log is wasted through evaporating and heating the water vapour. With condensers, the efficiency can be further increased; but, for the normal stove, the key to burning wet wood is to burn it very hot, perhaps starting fire with dry wood.

Kiln drying

The process of kiln drying consists basically of introducing heat. This may be directly, using natural gas and/or electricity or indirectly, through steam-heated heat exchangers, although solar energy is also possible. In the process, deliberate control of temperature, relative humidity and air circulation is provided to give conditions at various stages (moisture contents or times) of drying the timber to achieve effective drying.
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For this purpose, the timber is stacked in chambers, called wood drying kilns, which are fitted with equipment for manipulation and control of the temperature and the relative humidity of the drying air and its circulation rate through the timber stack. Our Kiln drying provides a means of overcoming the limitations imposed by erratic weather conditions. In kiln drying in air drying, unsaturated air is used as the drying medium. Almost all commercial timbers of the world are dried in our kilns. The significant advantages of our conventional kiln drying include higher throughput and better control of the final moisture content. We are having compartment-type kilns, which are the most commonly used in timber companies. Our kiln is filled with a static batch of timber through which air is circulated. In these types of kiln, the timber remains stationary. The drying conditions are successively varied from time to time in such a way that the kilns provide control over the entire charge of timber being dried.

Stock Details

Brief description of Premier Timbers stocks

  • Burma Teak
  • Plantation Teak
  • Pyinkado
  • Malaysian Jack
  • Burma Sal
  • Malaysian Sal
  • African Sal
  • Paddock
  • White Ash
  • Violet
  • Merbau
  • Treated Rubberwood
  • Indonesian Sal
  • Mahogany
  • Tani
  • Imported Pine
  • Tamarind